A longtime ago, in a land far far away .. ….I really did have an actual 3D healing practice – combining energy healing (Barbara Brennan School of Healing/Reiki) with Hakomi (mindfulness based depth psychotherapy) – as well as music, sounds and essential oils – in support. I didn’t have ANY of the Brane-Power tools available at that time …no Beacon, CQR amulets or this Healer Helper, which would have been quite useful. So today I was reminiscing a bit and the Healer Helper came to mind.

Here are some reasons I would have liked to have this available to me
There is always a subset of clients who are – let’s say, not all that comfortable with anything hands on or lying down, however, contact and trust are very important in the healing relationship. This is 1 way the healer-helper can really facilitate the relaxation with no hands on while actually having a powerful physical connection.
The healer-helper is VERY transportable – and can be used where actual hands on is not possible.
The energy not only goes through the palms directly, but, with the healer as the antenna it goes straight through the device to the client – potentiating the healing energy.
It can be set up so that when the energy/stuff that comes up – feels like it is too much, the client can loosen the grip or let go of the grippers altogether – this is quite empowering to stay in charge in that way as well as fosters mindfulness.
Anyway – it is quite a versatile tool to help in a healer’s practice.
Things to consider:
- clean the grippers between clients
- you can use extension clamps to have longer cables if needed.
- in a shared practice, each healer might want to get their own rings, even though the size is adjustable
or call: 530-271-2239 – leaving a message and including your phone number is totally ok, someone will call you back.
Sorry – I am not set up to sell from this website. If you tell them you are coming from BeaconWork though – you’ll get the discount of the day.