Vancouver is one of the locations where you may have access to try out a Beacon or Super Beacon. The location may vary 🙂
A little while back we announced the Vancouver Brane-Power Center. It is operational now, we have a bit more information on opening times and there is a surprise ahead.
Here is what Jaswant says: Usually I am at the office from around 10 am to 2pm ish, Monday to Friday but sometimes longer sometimes shorter.
He is available at other times by appointment. See here for more info and a picture.
A GRAND OPENING is planned for sometime in April/May!
Here is what G.P. had to say about the experience of his visit, who drove up from Seattle.
Just a brief note to say how much I enjoyed meeting you and discussing E.J.’s work. I rarely have an opportunity to have this kind of conversation and so it was something I very much appreciate. I am still processing the experience with the Beacon and the prosperity tape. The biggest sustained effect I have noticed is a buzzing of the third eye. I have been more or less contiuously aware of it since the session. It seems to have intensified a process that was already underway that I attribute to a new type of energizing meditation I have been experimenting with. But the Beacon seems to have really stepped up the sensations associated with this.
At the Brane-Power Center in Grass Valley, California
127 Neal St
Grass Valley, CA
open Saturdays 9am-1pm and by appointment
Come on in and simply sit holding the Beacon Crystal Grippers and see what happens. IT’s FREE.
Level 1 Beacon Training available. Listen to the Zone Box inductions or some beautiful zen music. Choose a Brane-Power amulet, check out the books.
Guided BEACON Inductions
Reach deep meditative states quickly. Access and integrate parallel world selves. Access talents and abilities you didn’t know you had.
We don’t think chocolate is bad for you, so yes you can get chocolates and don’t forget to Keep the Magic in your Live with Magickman’s selection of easy to do tricks – for your kids, grandkids or the young at heart in your live.
The Toltecs teach that each time we make a decision less-than-consciously, a part of us makes the other decision and our lifeline splits. The BEACON automatically seeks, recovers and harmonizes PUPs (Parallel Universe Personae) into the present HomeWorld Universe, seeking the next-nearest in order of luminosity (apparent magnitude).
Beacon Recapitulation Sessions available for only $5 each! Call (951) 686-3471 to make an appointment.
For more information or to try out the Beacon, please go to or contact:
The Tequihua Foundation
(951) 686-3471
The Riverside Beacon Center is located at 3485 University Ave. off Lemon St., Riverside, CA 92501. We are open Monday through Friday, 11 to 7; Saturday 10 to 4; Sunday 1 to 3; and by appointment.
3485 University Ave. off Lemon St.
Riverside, CA 92501
Recently more people have asked what is needed to open a Brane-Power™ Center. We are happy that you have been touched and inspired by these tools to make them available to others. That is the most important ingredient in this. Here are some of our suggestions and considerations on practical matters.
When you open a Brane-Power™ Center for public access, you are making the Beacon™ and Crystal Quantum Radio Amulets™ available to anyone who is interested to explore this and comes across your Center or your advertisement. This is different from having friends come over to your house and try out the Beacon™, and it is important to be aware of this difference.
So for a Brane-Power™ Center you will need a space. This could be your own office in an office building, a rented space in someone else’s studio or clinic or some other suitable public space. This space could be in a quiet corner in a bookstore for example. The hours can be posted or by appointment, this is up to you.
A Brane-Power™ Center without a Beacon™ or Super Beacon™ would not make sense. Each Center needs a Beacon™ or Super Beacon™, a table and a chair. A 3 minute time simply sitting holding the grippers can be quite powerful for people. Some like to sit longer. For those who wish to go further, you will need the Zone Box™ induction CDs and/or the Level 1 PUP™ inductions. The Daily Practice Meditation CDs are also useful. If you wish to make headphones and a cd player available, that facilitates the process. Alcohol wipes work to clean the grippers and headphones. Those coming back for the entire Beacon Training™ often choose to bring their own player and/or headphones. A log is very useful to keep track of progress and experiences. There are Meditation Music cd’s which could be offered, for on-site use or for sale. The Laminated Beacon™ – Card also has very useful information.
Which Super Beacon™ would we recommend for a Center?: The table version as seen here, if you have the table space. For a visual on the difference or the Super Beacon™ and the Portable Super Beacon™, the video at the bottom of the page might be helpful.
A Set of Amulet Cards has been very popular as well as helpful in choosing the right amulet for someone, in addition to a few amulets on display for sale.
Some promotional material to hand out is very useful also.
You most likely will want to apply for wholesaler status with Brane-Power.
Regarding payment – do what seems right for you and where you work. Free 3 minute stressbuster meditation, donations, small fee for the PUP induction training? It’s all ok.
Ethics and conduct: in this video from the early days of Brane-Power™, E.J. Gold talks about how to conduct a Brane-Power™ Center.
Great News –Brane-Power is available now in Ireland – Beacon use, Zone box, Amulets.
BeaconWork - available at the Dervish, CorkCity, Ireland
At “Dervish”
Address: 50 Cornmarket Street, Cork City, Ireland
Phone: 0214278243
Time and Place : Dervish – Upstairs: *Saturdays – subject to room
availability ( *Phone store to confirm if visiting especially for
Brane-Power )
Brane-Power Crystal Quantum Radio Technology
” Invention is the Child of Necessity ” … E.J. Gold
Experience Your Self in a Parallel Universe
Sé Ó Dubhagáin
Newly arrived in Ireland from California, the
Beacon, along with Guided Meditation
CDs, is now available for use at Dervish during * Saturday business hours 10am – 6 pm
Fee: by donation only
Facilitated by Sé Ó Dubhagáin,
Brane- Power Training Director
087 1678 621
A sample selection of amulets are on hand for
For this Saturday only, the El Brujo
will be on sale at 75 Euro.
Brane-Power® | Creator of Beta Blocker CQR – Crystal Quantum RadioTM Devices
The Classic Amulet — “Always on Sale”
Jaswant had a bit of an Announcement on Fri, 1 Oct 2010:
“I will be hanging my license in Downtown Vancouver, one block from a Skytrain Station, where the Vancouver Canucks Hockey
team plays. Suffice it to say, I should have an office in Downtown Vancouver where I can have a Beacon Training Centre and run Workshops from… on da weekends. So You are welcome to call it the Opening of da Vancouver Branch of the BRANE-POWER CENTRE:)”
GREAT – Congrats
If you would like to have a beacon Experience in Vancouver, please contact us so we may get you the contact information necessary.
Beaconwork is about the Crystal Quantum Radio Devices from Brane-Power to help with transformation of life, self, accessing alternate realities and parallel selves – for the benefit of all