Tag Archives: beacon center

Update on the Vancouver Beacon Center

Vancouver is one of the locations where you may have access to try out a Beacon or Super Beacon. The location may vary 🙂

A little while back we announced the Vancouver Brane-Power Center. It is operational now, we have a bit more information on opening times and there is a surprise ahead.

Here is what Jaswant says: Usually I am at the office from around 10 am to 2pm ish,  Monday to Friday but sometimes longer sometimes shorter.

He is available at other times by appointment. See here for more info and a picture.

A GRAND OPENING is planned for sometime in  April/May!

Here is what  G.P. had to say about the experience of his visit, who drove up from Seattle.

Just a brief note to say how much I enjoyed meeting you and discussing E.J.’s work. I rarely have an opportunity to have this kind of conversation and so it was something I very much appreciate. I am still processing the experience with the Beacon and the prosperity tape. The biggest sustained effect I have noticed is a buzzing of the third eye. I have been more or less contiuously aware of it since the session. It seems to have intensified a process that was already underway that I attribute to a new type of energizing meditation I have been experimenting with. But the Beacon seems to have really stepped up the sensations associated with this.

Best G.

Brane-Power Centre, Cork City, Ireland

Great News – Brane-Power is available now in IrelandBeacon use, Zone box, Amulets.


BeaconWork - available at the Dervish, CorkCity, Ireland

At “Dervish
Address: 50 Cornmarket Street, Cork City, Ireland
Phone: 0214278243
Time and Place : Dervish – Upstairs: *Saturdays – subject to room
availability ( *Phone store to confirm if visiting especially for
Brane-Power )

Brane-Power Crystal Quantum Radio Technology
” Invention is the Child of Necessity ” … E.J. Gold

Experience Your Self in a Parallel Universe

Sé Ó Dubhagáin

Newly arrived in Ireland from California, the
Beacon, along with Guided Meditation
CDs,  is now available for use at Dervish during * Saturday business hours 10am – 6 pm
Fee: by donation only
Facilitated by Sé Ó Dubhagáin,
Brane- Power Training Director
087 1678 621

A sample selection of amulets are on hand for

For this Saturday only, the El Brujo
will be on sale at 75 Euro.

Brane-Power® | Creator of Beta Blocker CQR – Crystal Quantum RadioTM Devices
The Classic Amulet — “Always on Sale”

Don’t forget to check out the Brane-Power Christmas Sales 2010

Where is Cork City in Ireland?

Cork City Location in Ireland

Announcing the Vancouver BRANE-POWER CENTRE

Jaswant had a bit of an Announcement on Fri, 1 Oct 2010:
“I will be hanging my license in Downtown  Vancouver, one block from a Skytrain  Station, where the Vancouver Canucks Hockey
team plays. Suffice it to say, I should have an office in Downtown Vancouver where I can have a Beacon Training Centre and run Workshops from… on da weekends. So You are welcome to call it the Opening of da Vancouver Branch of the BRANE-POWER CENTRE:)”

GREAT – Congrats

If you would like to have a beacon Experience in Vancouver, please contact us so we may get you the contact information necessary.
