In the back of your mind there may be this lingering question and doubt: What does Blessing mean and can I bless someone? – Yes, you may bless someone or something – and yes, you deserve to be blessed!
Blessings Amulet
To bless, or to bestow blessings is to call upon someone divine grace, bestow a measure of sacredness, joy, happiness, good fortune and well-being. The Blessings amulet carries with it Blessings for everyone in its sphere of influence. The Blessings amulet greatly facilitates the qualities of kind-heartedness, sincerity, selflessness, love, divine service, humility, a calm inner sanctum, clarity, presence and peace. The act of blessing is each and everyone’s birthright and blessing is something you do for another or others. This amulet helps you to be in the space where genuine blessing baraka can emanate from you and be bestowed. For anyone who would like to do the service of Blessing, this is a wonderful and very powerful tool. You don’t have to be ordained or ask permission to bless someone, something or a situation, you can be a benefactor to others, a benevolent force in the world and the repeated acts of blessing will help you develop your soul. A very special Quantum amulet indeed.
Many Blessings to you, your family and all the Beings in the Quantum Universe.
You may also find a number of Prosperity Path Orbs very helpful in that regard, especially the Blessings Orb, which by its nature will help you to actually bestow Blessings to someone in need.
The Prosperity Path orbs are coming out fast and if you have not had a chance to experience it, please do. They work on principles of the law of contagion and law of similarity – in the quantum universe. My favorite so far is the “49 days” orb. When you get to the special area – I had tears in my eyes because. (as you can tell, I do not want to give it away 🙂 ). But that is really not what this post is about.
If you have followed The ICW’s on IDHHBtv, then you probably know that you can augment and complement your work with the Super Beacon by using it in conjunction with The Trainer Matrix and your Amulet. Don’t worry, they will all work just by themselves, but you can POWER UP, have them working together, much like when you use a CQR (Crystal Quantum Radio) amulet array. Especially in running the Prosperity Pathorbs, which are essentially a FREE online life changing work tool, you can light up first by holding the grippers of the Super Beacon for 3 minutes prior to the orb run, and have your matrix nearby – much like you see on the image of a Prosperity Path – Super Beacon -Matrix set-up, only it would be in your own home or altar space. Did you know that the prosperity path orbs run on something as simple and small as an acer? This means it can be entirely in even a small altar/meditation space – or, you can have the set up where you might see your clients, so in an energy healing or coaching practice.
It is plexi framed and ready for your Altar and/or set up with your Super Beacon Prosperity Path run set up.
CQR (Crysal Quantum Radio) Core. No batteries, no charger. Totally self-powered by radio waves.
How it works is simple: you log onto and use the interface that matches YOUR personal Trainer Matrix on your Altar.
The interface has a built-in teaching mechanism that prompts you and teaches you how to use the Matrix Interface!
Some testimonials:
“The package arrived yesterday. Thanks so much! I can’t believe it! The 3×3 matrix array is stunning. It has a scalar primordial resonance that goes deeper than the cellular level, down through the atomic, quantum, and beyond!”
As Nikola Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the universe.”–R.C. Sooke, B.C
“Received the Matrix CQR yesterday. I will not waste time commenting on how well-designed and attractive this piece of functional art is or to what extent it is an instructional electronic life form. All of the five amulets I wear; except in the shower, immediately provide an elevated quality of discernment and content of the dream state. Colors are more apparent, acuteness of discernment is notably improved and most importantly, the content is more interesting from a work-on-self perspective.
The subjective night fears, sexual hungers, yearnings for past experiences of comfort and elation over desired imaginary events are banished in the descending light of the vision and focus of the essential self. A familiar objective sense of humor and distance concerning your hopes and dreams gives way to a form of study. Puzzles, sequences of events, meaning and subtleties of observation seem like the parallel bars to an acrobat in training. I dreamed that I was in a huge room and that I was in a very small body, perhaps one year old in development. Someone very large was trying to put what looked like shining gem stones in my hands, but I could not hold onto them. I was fascinated with them as they fell out of my hand and rolled onto the floor.
I could not take my eyes off of them, they seemed alive. They were wonderfully beautiful. After a while I realized that someone was speaking to me like one would address a baby by soothing repetition. After a time I realized what this enormous being was saying! These were the moments of freedom, the times in my life that my work efforts to bring my machine to the waking state locked in. I felt sad because there were so few and I had wasted so much time on nothing at all.
The Matrix is a tool of a very different order. After one night of sleep beside it, for lack of a better word, I immediately knew in my being the difference even before waking up. This was not an adventure, it was a study, a discipline, a practical work on understanding the machine and how to fix it or reprogram it.
The difference between the sleeping state and the ordinary waking state of the machine was becoming less and less, at the same time the two were merging. Instead of the machine replaying the mechanical fears and desires of the day during the nightly dreaming state of the machine, the dreaming state was becoming more voluntary with conscious work intent that easily continued over into the ordinary waking state, Problems were being identified, understood and action plans formulated to correct this problem, then the next and always slowly, gently, by repetition and patience . . .
One wakes up refreshed, full of energy and clarity in a state of what one Zen teacher wonderfully called “Zen Mind, Beginner`s Mind“. If I purchase another Matrix for my other night table, can I expect an additional intensity of study and productivity?
If you purchase and work with the parallel universe hardware, you will actually begin to hear voices REALLY! It`s all good because they are all your higher P.U.P.S. They or, more correctly, YOU are trying to help you work on yourself. They or you have some excellent ideas on how you can accomplish this for yourself.
This begins to replace the dismal, nattering sea of glassy-eyed, repetitious, self-serving, muttering that we identify as our most precious self.
Thor`s — lab work notes — hopefully, of use to my fellow students, my only friends, and try to fulfill my obligation to at least honestly try to be of service. Remember, if you take a wrong turn in the Labyrinth as I have many, many times . . . “we are immortal in the worst sense of the word.” — E.J.Gold.”
–Mark McGibbon a.k.a. Thor
For more and daily updated information on the Prosperity Path, you might want to check out the Prosperity Path page on facebook. – Other Quantum Crystal Radio news and special offer alerts you will see on brane-power.
Shipping takes time – especially to all of you overseas to have your gifts ready and under the tree in time for Christmas. It gets very busy so don’t wait. Order now to have these special gifts ready for you, your family and friends in time for this special Christmas gift.
Advance Notice Brane-Powers Christmas Sale specials – Sales ends December 31, 2010 at midnight
(..but don’t hesitate to ask for special deals and offers anytime. You can use this form)
Love Amulet and Loving essential oil – $99.97, save $41, regular price $160. Buy now
combination offer no longer available
Price: $99.97
Love for those you love every day – this is a great gift. The Love Power Crystal Quantum Radio amulet which can be worn anytime and the divinely transportative scent of “Loving” oil, an exquisite blend that incorporates the calming influence of patchouli and sandalwood with the classic heart opening effect of roses.
Protector Amulet and Psychic Defense essential oil – $99.97, save $41, regular price $160. Buy now
combination offer no longer available
Sale Price: $99.97
High attributes of Protection and psychic self defense, this Protector Crystal Quantum Radio amulet and protection oil blend is especially for those who constantly deal with energetic influences and entities in their work or just generally would like to effect some psychic protection.
SuperBeacon $1850 – reg price $2.250, save $400 and get FREE Shipping (standard, USA Only)
Includes the entire set of 30 Level 1 Beacon Induction CDs as well as the 2 Daily Practice meditation CDs. Call 530-271-2239 for any questions regarding the purchase or function of the Super Beacon.
Double Black Diode Amulet – $375, reg. $500save $125 and get FREE Shipping (standard, USA only)
The Prosperity Amulet combined with the Prosperity Path Affirmation Induction is a good way to bring yourself into the state of mind where prosperity is an open possibility for you.
For the Geeks in Your Life
combination offer no longer available
Tesla Gift Set
CQR Amulet & Parallel Worlds Explored
Price: $295
A $420 value.
Quantum Tesla CQRtm – Crystal Quantum Radiotm amulet with Sterling Silver hand-braided, real rope bezel; and Brane-Power® founder E.J. Gold’s book, Parallel Worlds Explored
Love – Compassion – Helping – Charity – the sacred I-Thou of mystical relationship aspect of You and the Divine is universal.Celebration of Love born Here on Earth does not belong to 1 religion and does not have to be powered by commercialism.
Quantum Crystal Radio amulets and Beacons for assisting transformation and human evolution make a great give anytime – and especially in this season. Make the world a more conscious place – one step at a time. Your choice of gifts does matter.
Ever since the first “Unspecified Pet” in January 2010 – We have been in love with these guys – The CQR Quantum-Pets. BeaconWork is offering a limited number of “Specified Pets” as a Christmas Special.
Quantum Pet “GoldFeet”
GoldFeet Quantum Pet
The adventurer and shapeshifter – master of adjustment – “you can take me anywhere”
All Quantum CQR pets are handcrafted and will vary.
Here are the things that will be the same:
CQR-Quantum Crystal Radio
MaterialsClothes Pin on back
the Love and Care these are made with
These things will be different:
Likes and Dislikes
The name you will give him or her
We decided to go overboard and show you 2 of them in a variety of environments. They are adorable – for your altar and other special places, wear on any clothes or hats as a pin.
International shipping note: Once shipped, please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Average has been 3-4 weeks for overseas travel time.
Beaconwork is about the Crystal Quantum Radio Devices from Brane-Power to help with transformation of life, self, accessing alternate realities and parallel selves – for the benefit of all