Category Archives: Amulets

Wholemate Amulet – Crystal Quantum Radio device

The Wholemate Amulet

The Wholemate Amulet from Brane-Power is tuned into the emerging edge of the next level of human evolution. It invokes and activates the wholemate way of being. This level is an already existing vibration in the creation and the amulet has a quantum activating effect on the subtle level of your being to aid in its manifestation into matter.

If you feel it is time for you to go beyond the traditional rolemate and soulmate levels of relating, if you feel aligned with going beyond joining genes to joining genius for the sake of the whole, if you feel the call to a greater love than you have ever known, this amulet is your ally.

Maybe you have an intuition that this evolution is a response of the Universe itself to the painful challenges facing humanity today. The situation demands a new consciousness and a deeper, all encompassing love. Maybe there is a part of you that knows: YES, let’s be that and do this!

The attributes initiated by this amulet include: freedom, choice, all encompassing, love, divine eros, inner beauty, caring, courage, strength, genius, brilliance, intuition, full masculine qualities, full feminine qualities, groundedness, connection, truth, service, life, purpose.

More information:

This amulet invites you to become wholemates. Being a wholemate, the human has become whole, no longer unconscious of or missing any parts of himself, and is no longer seeking to complete him/herself by joining with another.

As fully capable humans, connected to our own deepest self and open to an intelligence bigger than our own minds, we join forces, join our unique genius for the benefit and evolution of all, the whole. We turn together towards the whole, the whole of humanity, of reality, our earth, the universe. We are becoming partners to the whole of existence. We become wholemates.

Whatever level you are presently at, this amulet initiates the evolution to the level of wholemate in relationship to yourself, others and the whole of existence.

As it is an emerging level in humanity, below is some further reading to gain more clarity of what it means:

This amulet is an invitation and transmission to become wholemates.

As a wholemate the human has faced, knows and has integrated the various parts of himself and has become a “whole” human being, no longer bound and stuck in old stories, beliefs, trauma reactions and roles to play, no longer determined by emotions and drives but living from a place of connection, love and power. As wholemates we share our unique genius in service of the whole, of humanity, our world.

Wholemates transcend the traditional rolemate and soulmate levels of relationship, going from joining genes to joining genius, not only concerned about self but the whole of existence.

Hand in hand, side by side, wholemates look towards the whole and join their forces in love and service.

What precise form this takes in relationships and lived experiences remains to be seen as it is truly an emerging way of being at this time on our planet.

Once initiated, the process may not stop. To help understand the journey from rolemate to soulmate to wholemate, the following might be helpful:


In traditional relationships of the last 10 thousand years or so, men and women largely were confined to live by roles and customs that were determined by the societies they lived in. Partnership was meant for procreation, having babies and surviving. For example, women needed to get married, have children and tend the home and men were the designated providers and protectors. Women stayed home and men went out to work and determined the rules of that society. These were roles that one was expected to play and live by until very recently.


Fast forward to the last 70 years or so, the idea of a special one, a love partner, the soulmate emerged more openly. No longer was it about adhering to society and family norms, but taking matters into your own hand, emancipating and finding a mate who “got” you, who completed you but not in a dependent way, someone you would feel a deep connection with, who was destined to be your mate for and from a deeper level. Someone you have a deep heart connection with and would go through everything with you including deep healing, who sees you fully and loves you for who you are. This is a beautiful thing.

And evolution does not end there.


The wholemate is the next step in the evolution of the true human being. It includes the levels of rolemates and soulmates, but goes beyond them. There are two very important aspects to living at the wholemate level.

The first is:

The human has become whole in themselves, no longer seeking to complete themselves by joining with others.

One has recognized the divine qualities of masculine and feminine, accepted each as part of one’s own self and has access to them in the lived experience in one’s own life.

There is no longer a seeking of another to be complete, but there is a fullness and completeness within oneself, with access to polarization and voluntary expression of the various qualities for the sake of sacred union. From this place the deepest intimacy can be experienced, a true connection on all levels.

On some level this is a beautiful continuation of the soulmate.

But that is no longer the end of it. Partners at the wholemate level share a common vision for the whole. They are no longer just about themselves. They don’t just share genes and hearts for themselves, but share their genius for the benefit of the whole, the everything that is.

As fully capable humans, we turn towards the whole, the whole of humanity, of reality, our earth, the universe. It does not exclude the previous level of relational being, but it adds a new dimension.

We are becoming partners to the whole of existence.

Joining forces, joining genius for the benefit and evolution of all, the whole. The wholemate relationship is not limited to sexual relationships. It does not need to physically express itself, but can if it chooses. It is not strictly speaking new, there have always been a few in each generation to realize this.

Emerging as a bigger wave at this particular time is what can be called the wholemate, full and whole in themselves capable of deep connection and intimacy and including in their love and care and protection the whole of what is.

The wholemate amulet is tuned into that already existing vibration, this level of human being, and has a quantum activating influence on the subtle level of your being and into manifestation. It facilitates this evolution of you and the whole to this level of Love.

This amulet invites you to become wholemates. If this is a direction you feel aligned with, this amulet is a powerful ally.

Something EJ said when he gave us ESD: Erotic Spirit Dance: “It is not the dance that is erotic. its spirit that is erotic.”

Me: …. and it wants to dance with you.

PS: as you can probably tell, none of this was written by ai.



Embodied Unity Amulet from Brane-Power


The Embodied Unity  Crystal Quantum Radio Amulet, a new Amulet from Brane-Power:

The Embodied Unity amulet invokes the opening to unity awareness, realizing for yourself the non separateness, the oneness of the Source with all that is manifest, while being uniquely individuated in your current earthly physical form, vibrantly alive with an unshakable connection to your deepest self.

Embodied awakened presence makes possible a higher order of experience, life, work and service. It makes possible a conscious intimacy with the divine. It leads to radiance, bringing the creation to life. Experience exquisite aliveness and  a new level of creativity.

On a practical level it can lead  to solutions at a higher level to solve problems of the dire situation that life on earth finds itself in.

Attributes of this amulet include: Alchemy, All Encompassing, All One, Awakening, Angelic, Communication, Compassion, Courage, Dissolution, Essence, Dying, Face of God, Integrity, Inner Radiance, Higher Consciousness, Visioning, Presence, Light of life, Love, Overcoming fear, Transcend, Transformation, Understanding, Way of Service

Read on for additional information  on this extraordinary amulet and please do not skip the disclaimer below.

Good News:

Brane-Power came out with a new amulet, the Embodied Unity Amulet for all those who are ready to evolve, yearning to live in that deep connectedness with the divine while embodied here in this physical form on earth.

Do you sometimes,  or maybe often, feel like this world, where change is happening so fast now,  is going down the drain? So much uncertainty, so many existential disastrous situations and the pain of separation, division and environmental decline can feel overwhelming. Fear is dominating most of the world, with most people disconnected from their true self, others and nature. In the midst of it, you are just trying to make ends meet.

It certainly seems like this world could use a lot more people who are living at the edge of the next level of humanity’s evolution, a much higher level that is beyond the division and drama that most of humanity lives in.

We need humans directly be in touch, connected with the source of all that is,  G*D and divine Love and allowing that to guide them, run through them. After all, how was that: we are the people we’ve been waiting for, there is no one coming to our rescue. It is time.

This amulet facilitates opening to your intuition to be guided in your life to the circumstances or people that can help you evolve and to go deeper and deeper in understanding and embodying this truth of ONENESS as is unfolds for you.

It also facilitates awareness and dissolution of any blockages so this process of opening and being able to allow the divine energy to flow unhindered through you manifest more and more as a way of Being in your life. This will lead to actions in your life that are aligned with the highest vibrations, your not getting caught up in the drama of dualistic separation. There is a transcending effect, a new level.

The amulet also helps with courage to act on the deep intuition and divine guidance.

You may have heard this before: we are all just walking each other home. This amulet facilitates deeply embodied Presence – this coming home, a deep peace, this quiet joy, this ever present sense of well being, no matter what happens. Visions appear and the ability to create something on a higher level develops. A deep abiding  devotional Love starts to emerge and deepen. You are getting intimate with G*D.


Once the process of transformation starts using this amulet with this intention – it may actually bring certain issues in your life or conditioned personality to the forefront and it may seem as if you are getting worse. But that is simply for you to see yourself more clearly at an even deeper level, unflinchingly embrace what happens with the light of your loving kindness and embrace, integrate, make amends if needed and then live life differently, be differently.

Persisting internal energy blockages hinder or distort the high vibrational divine flow, and the Embodied Unity amulet fosters the courage to feel and be with whatever arises in you that so far you may have looked away from, pretending it wasn’t there or was not yours. Blockages can, for example, present as  deeply held erroneous beliefs due to past trauma, beliefs however that are not true and therefore lead to distorted perceptions and suffering. When there are such blockages in place, the flow of highest energies will be altered in ways that reflect your feelings and choices in life as it is right now.

In Oneness, nothing is outside. As long as you see anything as outside and not you, there is separation. This is one thing the yin-yang symbol reminds us of.

This amulet helps and reminds you to orient your intention towards and feel your yearning for this unity of your separate sense self with all that is.

You could say: isn’t that a paradox, Unity of all that is and being here as you?

Yes. And paradoxes are not easily accepted by the egoic mind.

Your essence being is inseparable from the Source.  The manifest electromagnetic waves are flowing and are interconnected as one. However, there is a particular focal point in this field that arises out of the void that is YOU, a particular configuration of the energy circuit and flow, through which the ONE and its energies do flow AS you, and you can realize this if you are open to it. This divine flow will manifest in ways UNIQUE to your particular being and life, with a perspective unique to you.

Your Unique Self is not sensed as a separate self, but known as a Unique expression of the ONE.

What if G*D is waiting for you, yearning for this awakened YOU to see and feel and recognize her/him/it, having opened so wide that  an entirely new life can happen?

Are you ready for this?




The Warrior Amulet

New from Brane-Power August 2019.

A much needed amulet for today’s situation on this planet as divinely aligned, competent action is a much needed quality in the world today. This is not only useful to those working in the Toltec tradition, but also all of those who see with horror what is happening today in the world and feel more or less paralyzed and hopeless.

The Warrior Amulet

 This  is a custom amulet especially created for those working in the  Toltec tradition.   The Toltec Warrior must balance their 3 core Natures: The Dreamer, the Stalker, and the Warrior. This amulet is to upgrade the skill as a Warrior.  This is the Mind of the Warrior, the ability to prepare for, then take, appropriate action at the appropriate time, including combat on the Higher Planes.

In non Toltec ways it roughly corresponds to  the ability of true authentic agency to be and act in this reality and the unseen world. For this,  all 3 aspects within Self need to be developed, the mind, the heart and will, in the ground of spirit, or essence.

Main attributes of this amulet include: Action, Balance, Compassion, Concentration, Integrity, Intention, Knowledge, Magic, Presence, Strength, Divine Will and Wisdom.

Since it is a custom amulet, please contact Brane-Power for availability.

Did my amulet stop working?

Did my amulet stop working?

Someone with a custom amulet asked what to do. He had a custom amulet and it was working great at first, but now it stopped working. He didn’t really want to return it, as the guru had made it for him.

E.J. Gold was there when it came up, and he said: the amulet IS working for him. A little later: “Imagine you want to join the Olympic swim team, but you only want to have pleasant experiences.”

There is also the phenomenon of the initial effect when you first encounter something, like a different state of being, a vibration. You can feel it, it is strong and the difference to before seem stark and obvious.  When we get used to it, we often no longer perceive the difference.

The amulets functions as a doorway, a facilitator. Your being  has to agree, go through it and once though the door,  intend to stay there. It is a collaboration. In fact, against your being’s will, the amulet cannot power through. Falling back into old patterns is not helpful. It does require continued attention, openness and work.

For myself, I am reminded of my very first SuperBeacon experience. None of the other ones, even though some were quite important, ever came close to the first one in terms of impact and realization. It added a big puzzle piece on my path, but it didn’t mean the journey was over.

I have had experiences with spiritual teachers, certain object or processes. It all adds up on the journey back to a more realized,  fully embodied, open and integrated way of being.

Pineal Pinger – new Crystal Quantum Amulet from Brane-Power

New in April is this very interesting amulet from Brane-Power. Those of you who know anything about the third eye, pineal gland and its functions in higher perception and spiritual awakening will understand how this can work.

Here is an image of the amulet and a short excerpt from the blog on gorebagg’s world.

“By repeatedly pinging the Pineal Third Eye, you bring it slowly but surely to life, and when fully awakened, this gives you full access to the Akashic Records and opens up a voyaging channel that can help you transcend the grittier levels of organic life…” from the blog by gorebagg “In an age of crisis”

you can also check out the beaconwork blogspot blog for news and sales

CQR – Blessings Amulet from Brane-Power Introductory Sale

In the back of your mind there may be this lingering question and doubt: What does Blessing mean and can I bless someone? – Yes, you may bless someone or something – and yes, you deserve to be blessed!

Blessings Amulet
Blessings Amulet

To bless, or to bestow blessings is to call upon someone  divine grace, bestow a measure of sacredness, joy, happiness, good fortune and well-being.  The Blessings amulet carries with it Blessings for everyone in its sphere of influence. The Blessings amulet greatly facilitates the qualities  of kind-heartedness, sincerity, selflessness, love, divine service,  humility, a calm inner sanctum, clarity, presence and peace.  The act of blessing is each and everyone’s birthright and blessing is something you do for another or others.  This amulet helps you to be in the space where genuine blessing baraka  can emanate from you and be bestowed.  For anyone who would like to do the service of Blessing, this is a wonderful and very powerful tool. You don’t have to be ordained or ask permission to bless someone, something or a situation, you can be a benefactor to others, a benevolent force in the world and the repeated acts of blessing will help you develop your soul. A very special Quantum amulet indeed.

Many Blessings to you, your family and all the Beings in the Quantum Universe.

You may also find a number of Prosperity Path Orbs very helpful in that regard, especially the Blessings Orb, which by its nature will help you to actually bestow Blessings to someone in need.

Go check out Brane-Power or call 530-271-2239.

Do the Quantum Amulet Attribute Numbers matter?

Crystal Quantum Amulet
Image by James Rodney Creative

There is a good beacon-work blog on the choosing of a Crystal Quantum Radio amulet and the importance, or rather, relative non- importance of the  amulet attribute numbers. Very useful for those who work with others and Crystal Quantum Radio devices and might have to deal with questions like: how do the amulets work?  Should I get a big powerful one with lots of attributes? Which amulet is best for me?

Remember, E.J. Gold’s recommended method in choosing an amulet is to let one’s intuition be the guide, whether for one’s self or as a gift for another.

His recommendations in general have been for: Classic, Prosperity, Black Diode and the especially the Quantum Witch. The Quantum Witch in particular is not a beginner’s amulet but especially meant for those who do energy work, use their intuition or work with psychic energy.

One thing though: it is kind of fun to play around with the amulet selector 🙂

But in the end: get the amulet you feel drawn to, regardless of numbers.

Dimensional Shifter – new Brane-Power amulet 2012

Sneak preview, March 2012 – A new Brane-Power Amulet

Dimensional Shifter

The Dimensional Shifter – works on very subtle levels to facilitate shifting dimensions and morphologies. It is beyond slipping into the parallel world life-stream with the best possible outcome for you or making astral travel easier. This amulet’s quantum tuning effect helps gain access to entirely different dimensions, not all of which will use organic physical bodies & you very well might find yourself in other than human “bodies”, physical or auric. Very helpful to gain access to inter-dimensional voyaging fluidity.  Transparency, clarity, a call to higher service, auspicious rebirth, telepathy, openness, falling away of human-egoic habits are only some of the effects you might experience when working with this amulet. Any practical knowledge or skills gained through this process is employed for the highest good of all. Despite what might be unusual “otherworldly” experiences which can occur when working with this amulet – it nonetheless has very smooth transitions.

The use of the coil with the electrolytic capacitor necessitates the high dome acrylic crystals for this. The raided sterling silver rope directs the energy flow in a particular way and functions as an induction ring. The positioning of diode and capacitor will have its effect on the inter-dimensional shifting.

That was the report for this new “Dimensional Shifter” amulet.

Good voyaging

You can get the Dimensional Shifter Amulet from brane-power or yoyodyneindustries by using the contact form or calling 530-271-2239 (leave message with clear phone-number if folks are not at the phone, they’ll call back). Please note that the final version may vary slightly and look for it on or

Brane-Power 2011 – New amulets, Generators and THE MATRICES

Because of this beautiful being, Skye,  who I had the privilege to care for until Mai and the subsequent readjustment to life without her and the development in Helping K9s, I admit not having spent as much much time and attention on “what’s new” with Brane-Power and CQRs as I might have otherwise. However, here, finally,  is a brief summary:

The Brane-Power website got a totally new look. Please check it out. A lot of the history is available there and easy to see all amulet pages.

We saw the birth of several the generators. It started off in January with the Prosperity Generator, containing tiny gems and other items in a special assembly and a Crystal Quantum Radio.  You can read more about them on Continue reading Brane-Power 2011 – New amulets, Generators and THE MATRICES

HBM Amulet – Crystal Quantum Harmony, Balance, Meridian

The HBM Amulet - Crystal Quantum Harmony, Balance, Meridian
The HBM Amulet - Crystal Quantum Harmony, Balance, Meridian

This is the beautiful, custom HBM Amulet, so named by E.J. Gold, for balancing and harmonizing the human energy field and meridians, especially right/left imbalances and receptive and active energy functions.

If you notice you are “off”, out of balance, can’t make good decisions, things are not working out, feeling unwell and off-center, constantly thinking, wasting energy and being unfocussed or not being able to make decisions, having a hard time just enjoying the beauty of the present moment – this amulet is designed to bring you back to a  state of equilibrium and harmony from which you can move through life, be in the flow and manifest your higher self and life’s purpose.  Continue reading HBM Amulet – Crystal Quantum Harmony, Balance, Meridian