If you got to this page, you likely have read something about the beacon and SuperBeacon from Brane-Power and how they get used. You can find out more HERE and HERE

For a few weeks now this post has been in my head, and I hope it still comes across as it was meant, because I didn’t write it down when it first came through. Still, hopefully it is useful nonetheless.
I had sat with the first Beacon back in 2009, and in recent weeks – and this is YEARS later, I have come to realize more and more the deep effect my Super Beacon Parallel World experience had on me – and how it helped me understand myself and BE in this life better. I am very grateful for the experience.
In brief, and skipping ahead: Considering she – the persona I encountered in my first beacon meditation – is my “next nearest”, as in – the one most relevant to this life – the one closest …I have, over the last few years, become so much more accepting of who I am in this life. It was a surprisingly gradual recognition that grew on me. After all, I thought the 2 weeks it took to integrate her were that … enough, done, move on, but no, it actually continues on other levels and at least for me, this did not become obvious until several years afterwards. It explains so much
The way I see it, if anyone has a very powerful Beacon parallel world experience, they could consider themselves lucky – in my experience there is something there to explain some of your current life inclinations , tendencies, fear or terror reaction that don’t seem to really make all that much sense. There is something to be truly integrated and accept…and you might find yourself living more peacefully and happily here.
Knowing that the SuperBeacon gets us in touch with our next nearest, that is, most relevant parallel lives, the “swampwoman” (as she was later called) experience (see video below) had the most profound effect on me.
You see, and this is a bit of a confession, in general, I don’t really like people all that much (babies and children excluded), or being around them, or having to deal with them and their manifestations. Compassion yes, and I wish them well, but I simply seem to only tolerate a limited amount of “people” time. I recognize many wonderful talents and achievements, many profound expressions, some deep connections …etc pp…but basically, I like to be alone for long periods of time, animals being great company. I used to try to “explain” it on what happened to me as an infant, then upbringing, culture – just not integrated – and so on…but after getting in touch with this particular parallel world persona…after having the transfer of consciousness experience and actually “being” her …it gradually began to make sense, my way of being in this world began to make sense – much deeper and encompassing sense.
Considering she – the persona I encountered in my first beacon meditation – is my “next nearest”, as in – the one most relevant to this life – the one closest …I have, over the last few years, become so much more accepting of who I am in this life. And that has been a good thing :). It was a surprisingly gradual recognition that grew on me. After all, I thought the 2 weeks it took to integrate her were that … enough, done, move on, but no, it actually continues on other levels and at least for me, this did not become obvious until several years afterwards.
Of COURSE – I feel kinship with animals, call on spirit guides and I am not that well integrated in traditional human society. It seems everyone seems a little crazy, especially these days...but for me – I understand and accept my way of being here so much deeper in light of “her” – my parallel world person who I also am – the very first one encountered in the Beacon Work.
I can stand by her and myself and not try to apologize, compensate or find excuses. I am like that. This does not mean not wanting to be kind and considerate or helpful …. but…hey…
Sometimes I wonder…but I never investigated, why “Swamp Woman” lives away from people, only occasionally sought out for certain help, tinctures, spells or potions. I don’t know how come she lived out hidden in the forest for most of the time.
There are a few other personas I recall without going back to the diary/notebook …and by the way DO write up every experience afterwards…really, no kidding, just do it.
…anyway …there was being this incredibly fat man who had trouble breathing and moving and a heart of gold…so loving …, there was that healer-shaman in that world I went to visit many many times after I was done with the first 30 parallel world inductions. The world had teleports, huts that were entries to spaces with much more technology and secret rituals. They had transparent globes there which which you silently traveled as well as footpaths to other equally hidden communities. For the most part, at least what I got to know, it was a South American jungle type of world, only the plants were different. Another persona was that big South American attractive woman with long dark hair who was a singer, great voice…she was cool, didn’t take any BS from anyone, there was this guy who lived in a high rise building who was a typist, well, a writer perhaps? Of the 30 Level One Beaconwork induction parallel world experiences, those are the ones I remember offhand without having to dig up memories or note book. Some of the worlds were different versions of this Earth, some off this world, well, more parallel I suppose. Sometimes I didn’t get much in terms of perception at all.
Something I wrote a while ago:
The beacon has been quite an interesting tool. Actually, it’s been quite amazing and it works as stated.
How it will be experienced by others – it varies. Just like high sense perceptions usually manifests differently in individuals, depending if you are primarily visual, auditory, kinestetic or sensing/knowing.
My first experience with the Beacon was entirely unexpected. I had been told that it is possible to connect to alternate universes with it and to contact and integrate parallel universe persona (PUP) of mine. That IS the main purpose of the Beacon. All there was to do is sit there and hold those grippers, and I was given location coordinates. The beacon itself was a double crystal radio which was said to be tuned in a way to support non beta brain waves, that is those accesses in creativity, psychic abilities, theta healing and so on.
I allowed for the possibility that a slight but intentional alteration of my brain waves with these radio frequencies coupled with a willingness to allow the process to take me where intended, could possibly have the stated effect, but I was not convinced by any means. Too much traditional training as an MD. I sat down with the Beacon without resistance or expectations. It was an amazing 10 minutes of my life. Not only did a parallel world persona of mine appear…I so much connected that for a brief period, I looked out of her eyes to see what she sees, as described in this video. It was a surprising and amazing experience and I took my time to get to know this alternate self as me for the next couple of weeks.
I have since then done many PUP inductions, some of which are so interesting and significant that I am revisiting them, starting with a shaman. This has lead to use of the Beacon for deeper immersion into that location as well as energy healing. Admittedly, that is not a stated purpose, and – it’s been an amazing process. I have Beacon appointments with my other universe self and it works as well as a visit to a healing practitioner. With the knowledge accessed in this manner and the energy manipulation experienced in the parallel universe, profound physical changes in this body will eventually occur. This is not without having to be aware of the dark side, as one of the recent pup visits showed.
So far the Beaonwork has resulted in an increased general sense of well-being and balance. Contacting and integrating the PUPS does indeed lead to a deeply felt confidence, and, in my case, to a level of internal emotional independence which I had been looking for for a long time. Actually, it feels very healthy this way. In general, and this was noticeable after the first 4 or 5 PUP inductions, there is indeed more of me here and the sense of being bigger. It’s a great feeling and I am looking forward to continue with my Beacon work.
It does not feel like any kind of therapy, it is a different process. One realization is that whatever work I do here will affect all those PUPs in other worlds. It also now makes sense that high level healing on this level can effect past and future lives. I had been taught this and known it on some level, now I really got that. Best that I explain it to myself is that the higher being level is common to all PUPs, and any healing there will affect, filter down so to speak, to all of them, as they manifest into form in their respective home worlds.
As far as consciousness goes, how could one stay unaware to the multiverse and well as a sense of oneness working with the beacon? It as a general awakening effect.
I don’t think I will intellectually understand how this works exactly. It just works for me and the process of awakening and integration that I am finding myself in, and there is potential of voyaging which at this time I can only intuit.