A longtime ago, in a land far far away .. ….I really did have an actual 3D healing practice – combining energy healing (Barbara Brennan School of Healing/Reiki) with Hakomi (mindfulness based depth psychotherapy) – as well as music, sounds and essential oils – in support. I didn’t have ANY of the Brane-Power tools available at that time …no Beacon, CQR amulets or this Healer Helper, which would have been quite useful. So today I was reminiscing a bit and the Healer Helper came to mind.
Healer Helper (hint – don’t hesitate to call Brane-Power to negotiate a discount – especially if you see a lot of clients on a sliding scale)
Here are some reasons I would have liked to have this available to me
There is always a subset of clients who are – let’s say, not all that comfortable with anything hands on or lying down, however, contact and trust are very important in the healing relationship. This is 1 way the healer-helper can really facilitate the relaxation with no hands on while actually having a powerful physical connection.
The healer-helper is VERY transportable – and can be used where actual hands on is not possible.
The energy not only goes through the palms directly, but, with the healer as the antenna it goes straight through the device to the client – potentiating the healing energy.
It can be set up so that when the energy/stuff that comes up – feels like it is too much, the client can loosen the grip or let go of the grippers altogether – this is quite empowering to stay in charge in that way as well as fosters mindfulness.
Anyway – it is quite a versatile tool to help in a healer’s practice.
Things to consider:
clean the grippers between clients
you can use extension clamps to have longer cables if needed.
in a shared practice, each healer might want to get their own rings, even though the size is adjustable
In the back of your mind there may be this lingering question and doubt: What does Blessing mean and can I bless someone? – Yes, you may bless someone or something – and yes, you deserve to be blessed!
Blessings Amulet
To bless, or to bestow blessings is to call upon someone divine grace, bestow a measure of sacredness, joy, happiness, good fortune and well-being. The Blessings amulet carries with it Blessings for everyone in its sphere of influence. The Blessings amulet greatly facilitates the qualities of kind-heartedness, sincerity, selflessness, love, divine service, humility, a calm inner sanctum, clarity, presence and peace. The act of blessing is each and everyone’s birthright and blessing is something you do for another or others. This amulet helps you to be in the space where genuine blessing baraka can emanate from you and be bestowed. For anyone who would like to do the service of Blessing, this is a wonderful and very powerful tool. You don’t have to be ordained or ask permission to bless someone, something or a situation, you can be a benefactor to others, a benevolent force in the world and the repeated acts of blessing will help you develop your soul. A very special Quantum amulet indeed.
Many Blessings to you, your family and all the Beings in the Quantum Universe.
You may also find a number of Prosperity Path Orbs very helpful in that regard, especially the Blessings Orb, which by its nature will help you to actually bestow Blessings to someone in need.
There is a good beacon-work blog on the choosing of a Crystal Quantum Radio amulet and the importance, or rather, relative non- importance of the amulet attribute numbers. Very useful for those who work with others and Crystal Quantum Radio devices and might have to deal with questions like: how do the amulets work? Should I get a big powerful one with lots of attributes? Which amulet is best for me?
Remember, E.J. Gold’s recommended method in choosing an amulet is to let one’s intuition be the guide, whether for one’s self or as a gift for another.
His recommendations in general have been for: Classic, Prosperity, Black Diode and the especially the Quantum Witch. The Quantum Witch in particular is not a beginner’s amulet but especially meant for those who do energy work, use their intuition or work with psychic energy.
This lady come to us via the Prosperity Path. She totally went by feel, what she was drawn to – in choosing her amulet, her first and only. Here is her amazing report
To Mr. Gold, and Yanesh, and the Prosperity Path Team:
While others seem invigorated by group interaction, it has always terrified and exhausted me. But when an event I had been dreading for weeks arrived, I found myself under the effects of my new amulet easily able to navigate the whirling vortices of strangers and small-talk without feeling depleted at all, fully present and with energy to spare.
I would have gladly undergone brain surgery to alter this life-long handicap, if I had been able to find someone with the know-how.
My husband keeps remarking on the spike in my productivity, so I dont think Ill be able to keep the amulet a secret much longer, but for me the very best part is this: I feel exactly like a girl who has just fallen in love.
From my deepest heart, thank you for giving me this new life.
A while back we found out that someone, who preferred the Super Beacon to the Portable Super Beacon but nonetheless wanted to take it with him on travel to continue with the meditation program and show others, discovered that his Super Beacon didn’t fit into his suitcase. So he took off the tourmaline antennas so it would all fit, and just put them back on once he was at the destination. Good for him.
Also, when shipping to European countries, the Super Beacon antennas get sometimes taken off in customs inspections (don’t ask us why).
While it is probably better to get a Portable Super Beacon in case of frequent travel, still no worries if you happen to have to take the antennas off, they are easily put back on. We took an opportunity with a recent Super Beacon to demonstrate in pictures how it works – you will need a flat screw driver, not a phillips. You can see all the pictures on how to put tourmaline antenna’s back on your Super Beacon here on Yoyodyne Industries. Trouble finding the page – just use the yoyodyne contact form and ask for the link.
In very short: Here are the “ready for the antenna” image and the “final – firmly screwed in antenna” image.
The Prosperity Path orbs are coming out fast and if you have not had a chance to experience it, please do. They work on principles of the law of contagion and law of similarity – in the quantum universe. My favorite so far is the “49 days” orb. When you get to the special area – I had tears in my eyes because. (as you can tell, I do not want to give it away 🙂 ). But that is really not what this post is about.
If you have followed The ICW’s on IDHHBtv, then you probably know that you can augment and complement your work with the Super Beacon by using it in conjunction with The Trainer Matrix and your Amulet. Don’t worry, they will all work just by themselves, but you can POWER UP, have them working together, much like when you use a CQR (Crystal Quantum Radio) amulet array. Especially in running the Prosperity Pathorbs, which are essentially a FREE online life changing work tool, you can light up first by holding the grippers of the Super Beacon for 3 minutes prior to the orb run, and have your matrix nearby – much like you see on the image of a Prosperity Path – Super Beacon -Matrix set-up, only it would be in your own home or altar space. Did you know that the prosperity path orbs run on something as simple and small as an acer? This means it can be entirely in even a small altar/meditation space – or, you can have the set up where you might see your clients, so in an energy healing or coaching practice.
It is plexi framed and ready for your Altar and/or set up with your Super Beacon Prosperity Path run set up.
CQR (Crysal Quantum Radio) Core. No batteries, no charger. Totally self-powered by radio waves.
How it works is simple: you log onto askmatrix.org and use the interface that matches YOUR personal Trainer Matrix on your Altar.
The interface has a built-in teaching mechanism that prompts you and teaches you how to use the Matrix Interface!
Some testimonials:
“The package arrived yesterday. Thanks so much! I can’t believe it! The 3×3 matrix array is stunning. It has a scalar primordial resonance that goes deeper than the cellular level, down through the atomic, quantum, and beyond!”
As Nikola Tesla said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the universe.”–R.C. Sooke, B.C
“Received the Matrix CQR yesterday. I will not waste time commenting on how well-designed and attractive this piece of functional art is or to what extent it is an instructional electronic life form. All of the five amulets I wear; except in the shower, immediately provide an elevated quality of discernment and content of the dream state. Colors are more apparent, acuteness of discernment is notably improved and most importantly, the content is more interesting from a work-on-self perspective.
The subjective night fears, sexual hungers, yearnings for past experiences of comfort and elation over desired imaginary events are banished in the descending light of the vision and focus of the essential self. A familiar objective sense of humor and distance concerning your hopes and dreams gives way to a form of study. Puzzles, sequences of events, meaning and subtleties of observation seem like the parallel bars to an acrobat in training. I dreamed that I was in a huge room and that I was in a very small body, perhaps one year old in development. Someone very large was trying to put what looked like shining gem stones in my hands, but I could not hold onto them. I was fascinated with them as they fell out of my hand and rolled onto the floor.
I could not take my eyes off of them, they seemed alive. They were wonderfully beautiful. After a while I realized that someone was speaking to me like one would address a baby by soothing repetition. After a time I realized what this enormous being was saying! These were the moments of freedom, the times in my life that my work efforts to bring my machine to the waking state locked in. I felt sad because there were so few and I had wasted so much time on nothing at all.
The Matrix is a tool of a very different order. After one night of sleep beside it, for lack of a better word, I immediately knew in my being the difference even before waking up. This was not an adventure, it was a study, a discipline, a practical work on understanding the machine and how to fix it or reprogram it.
The difference between the sleeping state and the ordinary waking state of the machine was becoming less and less, at the same time the two were merging. Instead of the machine replaying the mechanical fears and desires of the day during the nightly dreaming state of the machine, the dreaming state was becoming more voluntary with conscious work intent that easily continued over into the ordinary waking state, Problems were being identified, understood and action plans formulated to correct this problem, then the next and always slowly, gently, by repetition and patience . . .
One wakes up refreshed, full of energy and clarity in a state of what one Zen teacher wonderfully called “Zen Mind, Beginner`s Mind“. If I purchase another Matrix for my other night table, can I expect an additional intensity of study and productivity?
If you purchase and work with the parallel universe hardware, you will actually begin to hear voices REALLY! It`s all good because they are all your higher P.U.P.S. They or, more correctly, YOU are trying to help you work on yourself. They or you have some excellent ideas on how you can accomplish this for yourself.
This begins to replace the dismal, nattering sea of glassy-eyed, repetitious, self-serving, muttering that we identify as our most precious self.
Thor`s — lab work notes — hopefully, of use to my fellow students, my only friends, and try to fulfill my obligation to at least honestly try to be of service. Remember, if you take a wrong turn in the Labyrinth as I have many, many times . . . “we are immortal in the worst sense of the word.” — E.J.Gold.”
–Mark McGibbon a.k.a. Thor
For more and daily updated information on the Prosperity Path, you might want to check out the Prosperity Path page on facebook. – Other Quantum Crystal Radio news and special offer alerts you will see on brane-power.
Thought I’d let you know about this new release – special recommendation from someone at Brane-Power – pretty interesting stuff
The Beacon, Matrix, Hapi Drums – Link To Higher Dimensions
ICW 3/31/12
with E.J. Gold & Claude Needham
DVD 282
2-DVD set, $29.95 (SRP)
This two-hour Inner Circle Workshop with E.J. Gold and Claude Needham wove through and expanded upon many essential points from the wide range of linking to the higher dimensions to implications of how to prepare,
practically, for and work in the awakened state.
Disc 1
· Difference between singing bowls and Hapi drums
· E.J. Gold’s message about prayer
· Chimeology — real knowledge from the 6th – 13th centuries — was
contained within
the seeds of the Pythagorean School underlying Sufic teaching
· Physics behind certain sounds can be heard in other dimensions
· The appropriate approach to and instructions for invoking an angel
· Relationship of the Beacon, Matrix and Amulets to link to Higher
· Proposed Angelic Calling app
· Slipstream from universe to universe
Disc 2
· Get into communication
· Public Domain isn’t necessarily royalty free
· Gird for success — story about waking up
· Essential secrets of street busking
· Getting in the Work is easy, staying is hard
· The awareness of being in a group and what that means
· Spooky Action at a Distance (SAAAD) within the Einsteinian Universe model
· Hapi drums have quantum effects — the UFO cuts through space and time
· Think of slipping one universe on as if putting on an article of clothing
· The real secret of Astral Projection
Excerpts from the ICW:
“Think of the matrix as a router to a spiritual internet. That might help
you understand what it is. Or through a spiritual internet to stations
which are planted in a variety of universes not all of which , hardly any
of which, are in this universe.
This universe had 3 local stations as opposed to some that will have
thousands of stations.
What a station is, is a place of gathering where millions or billions of
entities can gather . . . or three or four . . .
Think of the universe as a string of characters, actually a string of
values but let’s call them characters . . . that are shaded from incident
to value. This string of characters expresses a multiplicity of universes,
one of which is the universe in which you happen to be currently.
It depends on the strength and the scale of the gathering. The
megalocosmos is a composite of all universes that exist. You can not
composite it. Neither time nor space apply to the universe outside this
The same moment doesn’t mean time frame, actually it is an event. Event
related rather than a time related calculation.
There is no evolution only adaptation. Evolution is not necessary. Natural
selection is necessary, yes and adaptation is necessary.”
Sneak preview, March 2012 – A new Brane-Power Amulet
Dimensional Shifter
The Dimensional Shifter – works on very subtle levels to facilitate shifting dimensions and morphologies. It is beyond slipping into the parallel world life-stream with the best possible outcome for you or making astral travel easier. This amulet’s quantum tuning effect helps gain access to entirely different dimensions, not all of which will use organic physical bodies & you very well might find yourself in other than human “bodies”, physical or auric. Very helpful to gain access to inter-dimensional voyaging fluidity. Transparency, clarity, a call to higher service, auspicious rebirth, telepathy, openness, falling away of human-egoic habits are only some of the effects you might experience when working with this amulet. Any practical knowledge or skills gained through this process is employed for the highest good of all. Despite what might be unusual “otherworldly” experiences which can occur when working with this amulet – it nonetheless has very smooth transitions.
The use of the coil with the electrolytic capacitor necessitates the high dome acrylic crystals for this. The raided sterling silver rope directs the energy flow in a particular way and functions as an induction ring. The positioning of diode and capacitor will have its effect on the inter-dimensional shifting.
That was the report for this new “Dimensional Shifter” amulet.
Good voyaging
You can get the Dimensional Shifter Amulet from brane-power or yoyodyneindustries by using the contact form or calling 530-271-2239 (leave message with clear phone-number if folks are not at the phone, they’ll call back). Please note that the final version may vary slightly and look for it on brane-power.com or yoyodyneindustries.com
Super Beacon is the largest, the Beacon and the smaller size is the Portable Super Beacon.
Function: both are used for all levels of Beacon Training or other related functions. The Super Beacon comes with built-in Tourmalines for protection, recommended after level 9.
If you have the beacon, all you do is change the crystal grippers for tourmaline grippers.
Beaconwork is about the Crystal Quantum Radio Devices from Brane-Power to help with transformation of life, self, accessing alternate realities and parallel selves – for the benefit of all