Created in September 2011: The HuDost Power Sufi Amulet – available on 11 – 11 – 11 from HuDost
A beautiful custom amulet for HuDost, an amazing duo with amazing music for amazing spaces. This amulet’s main attributes are: way of service, surrender, obedience to higher will and alignment with the way of malamat.
Another strong attribute is that of connection – to self, godhead and those you wish to reach, especially audiences. We are all connected – and one.
Do you know what “dost” means? Find out! Do take the time and listen to the DOST song below – I think you’ll love it

This amulet also helps with flow, creativity, grace, and the embrace of the feminine – or all creation as divine. I would call it an artist’s amulet especially if you are performing and wishing to use your art in service of the higher. There is a devotional and unwavering quality to it to transcend and serve – live life in service. Truly an amulet of the man or woman of in service of The Divine.
You can get this amulet as well as cd from HuDost here.

We highly recommed HuDost’s Music
Here is a video of one of their songs – the “dost” song – and below a few thoughts on Sufis and Sufi Mysticism, from the www.
Sound and music occupy an important place in the life of most Sufis. It is a tool for the believer to get closer to God, dissolving the physical realm into the spiritual one by polishing the heart and enhancing the spiritual aspect of the human being over the physical being. However not all schools emphasize this. Dhikr, or God’s remembrance, “Mawlid Annabawi,” praising and blessings of the prophet are what Sufis concentrate on. Depending on the different “Tariquats” or “schools of thought,” it is done out loud or within the silence of the heart. Dhikr is also considered as a form of meditation to connect to God and draw the divine energy into the world of matter. “Mawlid,” for some, is the expression of love one has towards the prophet, or for others it could also be to embody His qualities and to testify to God that He delivered the message He was entrusted to deliver.
For Sufi mystics, each experience is different and no one session is similar to the other. Whether it’s singing, listening or whirling, Sufi music reaches the soul of the mystic Muslim and awakens the soul’s consciousness. From this space, transcending the physical world and connecting to God as a soul is sometimes achieved.
– By Dina Lahlou
What is a Sufi?
excerpts from the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan
If anybody asks you, “What is Sufism? What religion is it?”, you may answer, “Sufism is the religion of the heart, the religion in which the most important thing is to seek God in the heart of mankind.”
– from The Religious Gathekas by Hazrat Inayat Khan
What is Sufism? It is… the art through which the music and symphony of life can be preserved, and through which man can enable himself to become the proper servant of God and humanity.
– from The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Art of Being, Part I
Sufism cannot be called deism, for the Sufi does not consider God as an entity separate from oneself. Neither can it be called pantheism, because the Sufi not only sees the immanence of God in nature, but also realizes God’s Essence in the infinite… The Sufi is not an atheist, for the Sufi denies neither God nor God’s Messengers.
To the question, “Are you a Christian?”, “Are you a Muslim?”, “Are you a Jew?”, the Sufi’s answer would be ‘yes’ rather than ‘no’, for the Sufi opposes no religion but sympathizes with all. In fact Sufism cannot be called a religion, for it does not impose either belief or principle upon anyone, considering that each individual soul has its own principles best suited for it, and a belief which changes with each grade of evolution.
Sufism is not an intellectual philosophy, because it does not depend merely upon cold reasoning, but develops a devotional tendency in one. Sufism cannot be called occultism, for the Sufi does not give any importance to the investigation of phenomena; seeing the brevity of life, a Sufi deems that a worthless pursuit: the Sufi’s aim is God alone.
– from Gathekas for Candidates, by Hazrat Inyat Khan (unpublished)
Sufism, as a religious philosophy of love, harmony, and beauty, aims at expanding the soul of man until the realization of the beauty of all creation enables him to become as perfect an expression of divine harmony as possible. It is therefore natural that the Sufi Order should stand foremost as a spiritual power in the East, and that it is rapidly becoming recognized in the West.
Many Sufi saints have attained what is known as God Consciousness, which is the most all-inclusive realization of the meaning of the word ‘good’ attainable by man. Strictly speaking, Sufism is neither a religion nor a philosophy; it is neither theism nor atheism, but stands between the two and fills the gap.
– from The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Spiritual Liberty
Also, could you tell me how the resistors, transistors, diodes and capacitors in the amulets work, since they don’t seem to be connected to any power source and since they’re connected in a short-circuited configuration.
these are crystal radios, see one working here …
you can find out more here:
they don’t refer to the beta blockers know to allopathic internal medicine related to blood pressure medications ….but beta brain waves
Hi Edward – here is a general guide on how to choose amulets –
If you would like to use Brane-Powers CQR Amulet Select-o-Matic – this is a nifty tool to narrow down your choices ->
All sales really are done through Brane-Power, Yoyodyne Industries and the IDHHB paypal account and you would have to go through those sites – or call 530-271-2239.
Hope this helps & Blessings to you.