The El Brujo is an amulet originally made specifically for shamanic use. It has since then been used by many others with profound effects.
El Brujo Amulet

Initially E.J. Gold made this Amulet especially for Koyote and shamanic use and voyaging
Thank you a lot…”
For information on Crystal Quantum Amulets, their care and how they work check out the Amulets Page and see the list of attributes below.
Super-powerful Shamanic amulet.
Listed attributes for this amulet include:
Alchemy, Astral projection, Aura enhancement, Awakening, Beta-Blocker, Charisma, Communication, Compassion, Consciousness, Creativity, Death, Discipline, Dowsing, Dreaming, Dream walking, Dreamcatcher, Dying, Empowerment, Energetic, Energize, Enhancement, Enlightenment, Esoteric, Essence, God is one, Grace of God, Gratitude, Guardian, Guide, Habits, Healer, Higher consciousness, Higher intelligence, Higher power, Higher self, Humble, Illusion, Infinite space, Inner radiance, Integrity, Intention, Magic, Magical, Mana, Manifesting, Mediumship, Metaphysical, Native spirits, Overcoming fear, Parallel universe persona, Parallel worlds, Paranormal activity, Past life recall, Patience, Peace, Perseverance, Prayer Absolute, Premonition, Presence, Protection, Pure love, Psychic, Psychic Self-defense, Real will, Real Work, Right action, Rite of Passage, Self-discipline, Self-remembering, Sensitivity, Sentient Beings, Shapeshifting, Sleep, Soul retrieval, Spirit, Spiritual, Spontaneity, Strength, Tantric, The Absolute, The Way, The Work, Theta enhancement, Transcend, Transformation, Truth, Tuner, UFO, Universal, Visioning, Visualizing, Vitality, Voyaging, Way of service, Wellness, Will, Wisdom, Work on self.
Please keep in mind that we cannot list all attributes and effects that can possibly happen as a result of this kind of opening to or guidance from higher and other-dimensional energies and beings. Please call us at 530-271-2239 or contact us online if you need any help choosing the best amulet for you at this time, we’ll be happy to assist you.