A Very Special Amulet – new in August of 2010

With the purchase of this amulet, you get a very special discount and have the opportunity to DONATE THE DIFFERENCE to a cause close to your heart!

Healing Waters Amulet
International shipping possible
You set aside:
$ 62.50
for a charity of your choice!
“The Healing Waters Amulet is being offered at 50% discount with the idea that you may set aside the savings of $62.50. This could form a small fund available to you for use however your open heart feels called to. It could be a donation to a charity, or ….who knows where your heart will lead. The idea is that the money is in a way already spent – so you don’t need to justify to yourself how you distribute your savings. Thus give your heart full rein…and send us a note if you like.”
Funds are low?: there are many ways to support this cause – just wearing your amulet and letting others know about this, energetically opening your heart and being to the suffering, the cause, the healing will make a difference. Maybe the effect is a change in your daily lifestyle? It is up to you how you are able and willing to support this. Money, time, energy? Who knows for sure which is more effective.
This is a real effort and a real offering: Full 50% of the Healing Waters Amulets price is intended to flow to a good cause or organization of your choice that helps others and our precious planet, who is supporting all of us.
This amulet has no further discount.
Purchasing a Healing Waters Amulet does not only give you the benefits of the Brane-Power beta-blocking amulets, it will also give energy to the efforts of those who are trying to help.
For any questions, write us using the contact form.
Healing Waters Amulet Creation Story:
Here is how this amulet came about: I was viewing a friend’s photo album on Facebook, and loved it, just loved it. The water looked wonderfully inviting and restorative and the birds looked so alive and in their element, like they are supposed to be.
Simply Beautiful. More photos are posted below.
Then I remembered something Michio Kaku posted a while back with images from the golf oil spill. Viewing that I cried, feeling the pain of it, the unbelievable pain of it all. The images really say it best. So I asked for a special Amulet to help – to make the world a healthier place. One that reminds me of radiance and beauty. An Amulet to open the heart to feel so that compassion can arise and and to develop the strength and resolve to the right action coming from understanding, an amulet to DO consciousness.
In this case this means supporting those who go out into the field to actually do that service….I so wished for the waters and the birds to be clean and clear.
This special amulet offer is being passed on here via Beacon-Work from Yoyodyne Industries.
I chose the International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC) because I really liked what I saw on their site and blogs. Here is a little more about the IBRRC :
The International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC) has been helping birds around the world since 1971. Its mission is to mitigate human impact on aquatic birds and other wildlife. This is achieved through rehabilitation, emergency response, education, research, planning and training.
The International Bird Rescue Research Center (IBRRC) has partnered
with Tri-State Bird Rescue and Research, Inc. to rescue wildlife affected by the oil spill. A team of bird rescue specialists has
been deployed to work with Tri-State leaders.
BP has committed to paying for the clean-up and wildlife rescue
efforts in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil
spill. While your donations cannot be used to fund bird rescue operations in the Gulf of Mexico spill, IBRRC welcomes support for our ongoing programs and to cover the cost of future rescue efforts.
Oil covered Pelicans: photos by AP PhotoCharlie Riedel
Happy Water and Bird Pictures: Sharon Hartnett
Are there other non-profit organizations that could use your help? Yes, of course. Choose to donate to the one you are inspired by. You too can order this special custom charity amulet and donate to your favorite cause for healing and helping.
Not sure? No worries. You might like to participate FREE in our Martial Energetics – a step towards health, awareness and energy flow for your body and being, which could turn out to be life-changing.
Tune in Thursdays at 330pm PT for Martial Energetics on Gorebaggtv with Jim Rodney.
Here is what Jim has to say about the Martial Energetics.:
Martial Energetics is a series of exercises and movements culled from a variety of oriental martial arts including Isshinryu Karate, Fukien White Crane, Tai Chi, Aikido, Jiu Jitsu and I Chuan. We´ll be exploring these exercises in weekly sessions with the intention of:
o Increasing strength and flexibility
o Improving agility and coordination
o Sharpening mental and psychic focus
o Building internal energy and Chi
o Developing a sense of center and grounding
o Improving overall health and well being
Martial Energetics is not about fighting, self defense or the development of combat skills. It does however, draw from the ancient tradition of consciously defending oneself and maintaining one´s energy and center in the midst of conflict. This training is intended to cultivate an increased awareness of the flow of Life Energy, both inside and outside the physical body, as well as to help develop a disposition of warriorship, an important step in developing a foundation from which to deal with the stresses of day to day physical plane existence.
Martial Energetics is open to anyone who has interest – no previous martial arts experience is necessary. Emphasis is on energy, awareness and flow. There is no pressure to perform, compete or excel in any way. Training is self-paced; each individual determines the level of intensity of their own practice and trains at a pace which is comfortable for them. Also each individual is expected to be aware of their own physical and energetic limitations and not attempt to participate in ways that might cause injury, fatigue, distress or be otherwise counter-productive.
Each onsite session is currently limited to four participants. Let us know if you´d like to participate in person. I look forward to training with you!
Tune in & take advantage of this opportunity.
Your IDHHB GorebaggTV Crew
About the amulets – from Brane-Power’s Yoyodyne Industries: This Beta Blocker CQR – Crystal Quantum Radio™ Amulet is tuned to the Schumann Harmonic, the World-Sound made by radio waves emanating from the stars and the explosive force of the Big Bang at the moment of Creation. Never needs batteries or recharging, this Quantum Device is powered directly by radio waves from outer space. E.J. Gold’s Beta Blockers use vintage 1900s crystal radio technology to calm your busy brain and allow your natural spiritual, psychic and intuitive abilities to come through. Users report interesting results related to creativity, skills, prosperity, lucid dreaming, past lives recall, relationships, parallel worlds, harmony, relaxation, intelligence, memory, and more.