We introduced the matrix last year as a hot new way to work with Brane-Power’s CQR and it is time for another post as the system is coming online and maturing. Questions on your path? Need answers to questions? Rest assured, using these Matrices an combination with askmatrix -> the answers will come. It might be time to check out what this matrix thing is all about. Take a look at their Matrix FAQ
From their site:
AskMatrix offers a hardware and software solution for directed “Soul Training”
We each have a path we must follow — traversing its winds and turns as they present themselves. However, some skills require a focused formalized method for proper training. The AskMatrix combination of hardware and software does just that.
These skills while rooted in the higher manifest benefits throughout all aspects of our lives. The following testimonial speaks well to this point:
page and browse around some. Here is their FAQ for: what benefits can I expect
What are the benefits I can expect through using the matrix?
Simple Answer
You should be able to get answers to specific questions, much like a tarot reading or astrology.
Extended Answer
The matrix will give you direction and input guiding you though your day, connecting you with the most beneficial energies.
“More to the Story”
The matrix will (if used correctly) immediately connect you up with your higher purpose for being on this planet, accessible with all the attributes you carry from earlier incarnations.
If your transaction with the matrix creates a clear and undisturbed signal, it’s possible to connect to hidden masters at all possible stations of this universe and obtain guidance.
Again – totally worth checking out: http://www.askmatrix.org/
“I.m having some positive results with the Matrix trainer. I have to take time to send in my comments.
I have been setting it on my desk at home or at work whenever I have occasion to try to work out a solution to a problem, such as in business meeting or a discussion of domestic issues at home. Also, I use it when I.m watching the workshops, or discussing work ideas with my friends, The effect is that everyone present has amazing fits of insight.
We have breakthroughs in understanding each other, new Ideas come up in the form of flashes of realization, or people will suddenly reach a breakthrough in communication. I see people jump to a higher level of communication, suspending their core negative attitudes and beliefs, begin to cooperate and share ideas, become open to new concepts that they normally would not entertain, even in a weak moment.
I also like to have it nearby when I.m reading. I even have lit the sand candles behind on the bedside table it before I go to sleep.
My take is that we may be accessing our PUPS, or some storehouse of seldom accessed data. Or maybe
We are accessing some collective consciousness zone. All those slipstream amulets remind me of the wires in a hard drive cable.
This is a helpful apparatus to say the least.”
NT – Sacramento
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