We do get the general question from folks regarding the choice of amulet, like: “Which amulet is best for me”?, or, “Which amulet do you think I should get?” So here are a few pointers on how to proceed.

One of the best ways to choose an amulet is to follow your intuition. Look at them and notice any responses, for example a tingling in your arm, or a sensation in your chest, a buzzing in your third eye, a general attraction, an internal yes…things like that. This also works by looking at the images online or on the amulet cards. Paying close attention, you’ll most likely find yourself keep coming back to the amulet you feel drawn to. Some prefer to first read about it and then select an amulet based on their properties on description. A few also use the Amulet Selector. If you come to visit us at Brane-Power, you can put an amulet on the back of your hand or hold it. It’s a fun activity, meditative and it always works.
The same amulet may work differently for different people and at different times. We recommend you choose the one you are responding to. For more information on the amulets, how they work and how to care for them, you can check out this amulet page.
At the Thanksgiving Workshop 2010, E.J. Gold said something very interesting: “You really don’t need to worry about which amulet to choose – it will choose you, and the one you are ending up with is the one for you”.
He also added: “If I were to equip myself I would probably select: Spiral, Black Diode or Double Black Diode, El Brujo and Quantum Witch, and I’d feel I have most of what I would like covered.”
This points to the aspect of: what is it you would like to accomplish with this amulet? – and choose accordingly.
Amulets in combination, that is, an amulet array, will work synergistically. Other jewelry, especially stones, also can have a subtle influence.
For specific phases of work with the Beacon, E.J. Gold has often recommended the Black Diode and the Quantum Witch. We have provided some information on yoyodyneindustries about the amulets, which also can help you decide. Still, in the end, we recommend to let your heart talk.
Here is how a German Physicist described a Brane-Power Amulet upon seeing one for the first time, and having never heard about them:
“Ah, ein superenergetischer Generator fuer quantum-mechanische Hilfseffekte.” = a superenergetic generator for quantum mechanical auxiliary effects.
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yes, can you even believe I am only now seeing this? best to check out brane-power.com